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Minyan Ohr Chadash

Minyan Ohr Chadash meets daily, Shabbat, and Chagim. We are a Modern Orthodox, Zionist minyan where singing and group participation are integral parts of the services. Teen participation in Divrei Torah and leading the tefillah is encouraged; youth are welcomed and engaged at all ages, with youth programs meeting weekly. Ohr Chadash welcomes everyone to help create this new, vibrant, and cohesive minyan in Seward Park.

What our members say about OC:

I play with my friends at Ohr Chadash. I like prizes. I like lollipops. I like bouncy balls. I like playing ball. I like playing airplane. I love prizes. I like the food.

Eliana - age 3

We feel very comfortable to daven and participate in all that Ohr Chadash offers in this very friendly and all-inclusive environment.


When I think of Ohr Chadash, I think of it as our version of  “Cheers”. Why? Everybody knows your name, you do a “La Chaim,” which is “Cheers”, and it is such a cheerful place, because everyone who is here, truly wants to be.


Ohr Chadash is a warm, welcoming, and thoughtful Modern Orthodox community for our youngest to our most mature members and guests.

I love when our guests tell us how friendly everyone is and how it seems that everyone gets involved.


I appreciate the opportunity to give a D’var Torah from time to time. One of the delights of OC is hearing a different speaker each week. You’re limited to 5 minutes, after davening on Shabbat morning, or at Shalosh Seudas. So you can’t just ramble on, and you’d better check your sources: you can count on this bunch of well-educated Jews for some spirited follow-up conversation!


The community that it constitutes, a community of intellectual honesty in the context of observant Judaism. I think this is very rare anywhere in the world. In that sense, Ohr Chadash is a unique place. This new building, this remodeled building is a representation of that.

Dr. Shlomo

A warm and welcoming synagogue with respect for Jewish knowledge and practice differences.

Karen W.

Visiting the Neighborhood?

Need a place to stay, or a Shabbat or Yom Tov meal?
Join us at Minyan Ohr Chadash, Seward Park’s newest Minyan!