Announcements and Mazal Tovs

Mazal Tov!

Mazel Tov to Batya and Yehuda Golden on the birth of a granddaughter, Eliana Sylvia, to Gavriela and Kevin Wokenfeld, who live in FL. May we continue to share in many smachot together! Mazal Tov to the entire Golden and Wokenfeld Families! We look forward to meeting Eliana when she comes to visit us in Seattle!

Mazal Tov!

Mazel Tov to Nancy Finkelstein on the birth of a great-granddaughter, Tzipora Gittel, born to Meir and Bracha Peikes of Kew Garden Hills, NY.  Grandparents are Rachel and Jonathan Peikes. May we continue to share in many smachot together! Mazal Tov to the entire family!

Mazal Tov!

Mazal Tov to Adi and Saar Shalom, and their families, on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Erel! May we continue to share in many smachot together. Mazal Tov, Erel!

Smachot to share?

Graduations? Awards? Engagements? Weddings? Births?

We want to celebrate when you have exciting news for us! Please email us with your special occasions! You are our best source of Ohr Chadash Mazal Tov, Refuah Shlemah wishes, and other news. If you know something we may not know (or may have missed), please contact us!
Help us avoid oversights!